Janina Fisher

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Janina Fisher is an author and internationally known expert on the treatment of trauma.




In this interview, internationally recognized trauma expert Janina Fisher, PhD tells us how

  • trauma is inherently lonely

  • traumatic experience can lead to loneliness later in life

  • most of our distressing emotions - including loneliness - are feeling memories held by young child “parts” of ourself

  • we can transform loneliness by creating relationship and connection with our feeling memories


Website: janinafisher.com


Janina Fisher is an internationally known expert on the treatment of trauma, author of Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors and co-author with Pat Ogden of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: Interventions for Attachment and Trauma. See her website: www.janinafisher.com for further information.

This video is one of 16 interviews comprising the Transforming Loneliness summit, which was curated and hosted by Laura Parker, MFT in early 2019. To view the other interviews in the series, please register here if you haven’t already.

All of the interviews in the Transforming Loneliness summit are offered to you without limitation of time or money, so please share the benefit widely and forever! To share, simply copy this link: www.transforming-loneliness-event.com

If you feel moved to express gratitude by making a donation of any amount, please click here

For more information about Laura Parker, MFT, or Transforming Loneliness, please check out her websites: lauraparkermft.com and transformingloneliness.com.

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©2018-2020 Laura Parker, all rights reserved | Produced by Stephanie Briggs